Te Ohu Whakaaraara
Kaiwhakaaraara (Navigators) work alongside whānau to identify their dreams and aspirations using Te Ara Whānau Ora (TAWO). TAWO is an engagement process recognizing the mana of whānau who the experts and co-designers of their ngā ara moemoea.
Kāinga Whānau Ora (KWO) supports whānau living in Kāinga Ora whare to create dreams and aspirations by bringing together key agencies because we know that we can achieve better outcomes when we work together. Sometimes systems get in the way of whānau achieving their goals, we aim to stop creating ‘work arounds’ and create systems that work for whānau.
Te Ohu Whakaaraara
Kaiwhakataki/Service Delivery Manager: Masina Paewai
PH: 02102571750 | Email: masina.paewai@TeTihi.org.nz
Referral required